A Year in Recruitment at Trace: My Journey So Far

As I finish up my first year in Accounting and Finance recruitment at Trace, I thought I’d take a moment to share some reflections and lessons from this whirlwind of a year. Moving from Internal Audit to a broader recruitment role has been a wild ride, and here’s a peek into my experiences.

Why the Big Move?

I jumped from Internal Audit recruitment because the market was pretty tight, and I wanted to see what else was out there. Starting out in a niche market where fresh talent was scarce really sharpened my headhunting skills. That’s come in handy big time in my new role, where finding and connecting with the right people quickly is key.

What Helped from My Old Gig

The headhunting chops I picked up in Internal Audit have been a huge asset. Even though the Internal Audit market was smaller, it made me super resourceful and proactive. Now that I’m in a larger Accounting and Finance market, those skills have really paid off.

Facing the Challenges

Like any recruiter diving into a new market, it was all about building my presence. Thankfully, Trace’s strong connections with CFOs across London gave me a head start. I made the most of these connections, asking heaps of questions about what they need, what they dislike about recruitment, and what’s coming up. This helped me get a grip on what CFOs and FDs are after for their teams.

Celebrating Wins

One of my biggest wins this year has been managing to outpace competitors with years more experience. Recruitment is all about hard work and sticking with it. I take pride in being straight-up with clients and spending extra time with candidates. I’ve had a lot of feedback that my 2-3 hours of interview prep make a real difference, setting me apart from others.

Market Surprises

What caught me off guard the most was the sheer speed of the financial services market. It’s non-stop, all day, every day. Given I talk pretty quickly myself, it’s been a good match. But I quickly learned that you can’t afford to put things off; if it’s not sorted now, you’ve missed the boat.

Trace’s Support

Trace was brilliant with onboarding me. I got the full lowdown on everyone’s roles and met with our five closest clients in the first month. I asked them everything from where they get their info to what they hate about recruitment and what’s on the horizon. By the end of the month, I had a solid grasp of the journey from uni to CFO and all the bits in between.

Key Skills

In recruitment, it’s all about a few key things: listen up, ask the right questions, and tackle problems head-on. If something’s a problem today, it’ll be one tomorrow, so sort it out now. Also, being yourself is crucial. I’m not one for the corporate suit-and-tie, and I think my genuine care for clients and candidates—plus asking those tough questions—really makes a difference.

Market Differences

Internal Audit and Accounting & Finance have their similarities, but Accounting & Finance is more commercial and forward-looking. Internal Audit often deals with past events. The candidate pool in Accounting & Finance is much larger, which is great, but it’s a bit of a downer because Internal Audit is such a rewarding field for the right people, despite its smaller market.

Advice for Candidates

I’ve seen many candidates struggle with their market value perception. My advice? Don’t shy away from potential issues in interviews. For example, if you have short tenures in past roles, bring it up yourself and ask the hiring manager how they feel about it. Taking charge of the conversation helps you stay in control and tackle concerns before they become problems.

Advice for Fellow Recruiters

To all my fellow recruiters, get your skeletons out of the closet sooner rather than later. It’s a tough job with more no’s than yes’s. You can go from feeling on top of the world in the morning to questioning your career by evening. Embrace the discomfort—it’s part of the gig, just like those nerve-wracking first cold calls.

Looking back on my first year at Trace, I’m grateful for all the experiences and lessons learned. Here’s to many more years of growth and success in the recruitment world!


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